TEN NEW SHOES: “Settling into a new country is like getting used to a new pair of shoes. At first they pinch a little, but you like the way they look, so you carry on. The longer you have them, the more comfortable they become. Until one day without realizing it you reach a glorious plateau. Wearing those shoes is like wearing no shoes at all. The more scuffed they get, the more you love them and the more you can't imagine life without them.” ― Tahir Shah, In Arabian Nights
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Spouse Day at FSI
So today a lot of the sessions at A-100 were relevant to spouses too, so we were invited. It was kind of fun to go and see what all the excitement is about. There were sessions on dealing with crises, healthcare options overseas, the family liason office, etc. but the very best one was the last session on building resilience. Personally, this is something I really need to work on to survive and love our new lifestyle in the Foreign Service so it was a great class to attend. The best part was this TED talk by Shawn Achor. Watch it! You'll be glad you did.
Disclaimer: The movie does have one slightly inappropriate reference about half-way through, so if you're watching with kids, that's just a heads-up. :-)
Foreign Service,
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